6 клас

6 клас

6 клас


Good morning)

Orienteering in London

Пропоную переглянути відео "Визначні місця Лондона"

Read the text THE Tower of LONDON  p.128

ex.3,p 128 read and order the sentences according to the text of Ex.2

(робота письмово в зошиті)

6 клас


Good afternoon)

Ex.1,p123 Work on your own.Read and find the places on the map

Ex.3,p124 (письмово в зошиті )

6 клас


Good morning))

Пропоную переглянути відео)

Письмово виконати Ex.5.p 121

Ex.4,p 124 читати,перекладати





Good morning girls and boys)

- Do you like to travel?
- Why do people travel?
- What means of travelling do you know?


Фонетична зарядка. 
 [æ] – travel, capital, gallery;
[ei] – play, place, stadium;
[ju:] - museum, new, beautiful;
[i]- big, pig, different;
[a:] – park, car, partner;
[i:] – see, meet, week 
Складання словосполучень
1.the Nationa                 a)Parliament
2. the Houses of             b)Museum
3. Westminster               c)Square
4. the British                   d)Gallery
5. Trafalgar                      e)Palace
6. St. Paul’s                     f)Abbey
7. Buckingham                g)Cathedral
Сomplete the sentences with the words: National Gallery, Buckingham Palace,. the London Eye, Tower Bridge, Covent Garden Market, theatres
1. The                       is in Trafalgar Square.
2. Green Park is next to 
3. There is an amazing view of London from 
4. You can see                          from the Tower of London.
5. There are also lots of shops and restaurants in 
6. There are also lots of                       and cinemas in the West End.





6 клас 


Good afternoon)))

6032706-код доступу



6 клас


Good afternoon children)

The lesson on the topic TRAVELLING

Ex.2,p109 read and act the dialogue

Ex3.,p110 ask and answer the questions ( усно)

 Ex.5 ,p111 (письмово в зошити)


Good afternoon children)))

Read the Internet pages.Answer the questions given below.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct.Write

Ex.7,p 108

усно Ex.1.p 109 Answer the  questions 




6 клас


Good afternoon children)))

Task 1

[еı ]

Rain, rain, go away,

Come again another day,

Little Johnny wants to play,

Rain, rain, go away.

Task 2

1). Match the questions with the answers.


1. Have you ever travelled by train?

a) I went to Kyiv.

2. Where did you go?

b) Yes, I did.

3. Who did you go with?

c) Yes, I have.

4. Did you like your trip?

d). I went with my family.



Виконати усно вправу 1,ст.105

Письмово вправа 2,ст.105

Read and complete the sentences.Use the words from Ex/1!!!





6 клас


Good afternoon children)))

Ex.3,p 61

Read and say what children usually have for breakfast on a typical day

Ex.5,p 62

Read and complete the sentences.Choose the correct word.

Письмово виконати вправу в зошиті


6 клас


The lesson on the topic 

Food and drinks

1)Reading .Eat the Right Food p.57- 58

2)Agree or disagree Ex.7,p.58

<)Ex.9,p 59

Complete the dialogues and act them out 

Write a paragraph about the food you eat.Use the questions below to help you.

Ex.10,p 59


6 клас 


The lesson on the topic

Food and drinks

1.Listen and repeat.Match the pictures with the names of  the products.

Ex.1,p 56

2.Ask and answer the questions.


Write new words in copybook.





6 клас 


The lesson on the topic

Food and drinks





The lesson on the topic


Good afternoon)))

Пригадаємо слова

Open your vocabulary and repeat the words. 

A supermarket - супермаркет; the baker’s – хлібобулочний магазин; the grocer’s - бакалія; the butcher’s – м’ясний магазин; a market - ринок; A loaf of bread – буханка хлібу; butter - масло; pasta – макаронні вироби; rice – рис; sausages - сосиски; fruit - фрукти; coffee - кава; paper towels – паперові рушники; jam – варення; a department store - універмаг; the greengrocer’s – овочевий магазин; a dairy – молочний магазин; a toy store – магазин іграшок; bread rolls - булочки; sour cream - сметана; flour - борошно; sausage - ковбаса; vegetables - овочі; tea - чай; soap - мило; sweets - цукерки; fishmonger’s – рибний магазин; confectionery – кондитерський магазин; chemists - аптека;

Виконати письмово Ex 5. p.52

Перегляньте будь ласка відео

До зустрічі на нлайн уроці)




6 клас 


The lesson on the topic:


Good afternoon)))

Пропоную переглянути відео і пригадати вже вивчений матеріал.


Виконайте вправи в підручнику Ex.2,p48-49

Ex.3,p 51)


6 клас 


The Lesson on The Topic:

“Shops and Shopping

Open your vocabulary and repeat the words. 

A supermarket - супермаркет; the baker’s – хлібобулочний магазин; the grocer’s - бакалія; the butcher’s – м’ясний магазин; a market - ринок; A loaf of bread – буханка хлібу; butter - масло; pasta – макаронні вироби; rice – рис; sausages - сосиски; fruit - фрукти; coffee - кава; paper towels – паперові рушники; jam – варення; a department store - універмаг; the greengrocer’s – овочевий магазин; a dairy – молочний магазин; a toy store – магазин іграшок; bread rolls - булочки; sour cream - сметана; flour - борошно; sausage - ковбаса; vegetables - овочі; tea - чай; soap - мило; sweets - цукерки; fishmonger’s – рибний магазин; confectionery – кондитерський магазин; chemists - аптека;

New words.

T.: And now let’s write new words into your vocabulary.

Coin - монета; pound - фунт; pence - пенс; change – дрібні гроші; nickel – нікель (монета в 5 центів); dime – дім (монета в 10 центів);

Виконаємо Ex.6 ,p 38

Read and choose the correct item to complect the sentences.Write the correct words.

Перегляньте відео)


T: Well, children, your homework is to read exercise 1 on page 45 and to write exercise 6 on page 47.

And now the lesson is over. Good bye!




6 клас

Good afternoon pupils

Today is Tuesday the 5th of October

Class work

The topic our lesson SHOPPING.

Мовленнєва зарядка.

 Read a little poem about shopping. Try to learn this poem step by step.

Making shopping makes me good,

Buying things & buying food,

Spending money every day,


Shopping is the best you may.

Запам'ятайте будь-ласка слова з теми-


                              Словник до заняття     


Загальні назви, дії та ознаки, що стосуються торгівлі, вибору товарів


вага – weight,

відчиняти – to open,

гроші – money,

дешевий – cheap,

дорогий – expensive,

зачиняти – to close,

перерва – break,

продаж – sale,

продукти – products,

розмір – size,

товари – goods, products,

ціна – price,


черга – line, 


Назви осіб, які беруть участь у купівлі-продажу

касир – cashier,

покупець – customer,

продавець – shop-assistant,


Назви дій при купівлі-продажу

брати (взяти) – to take,

вибирати (вибрати) – to choose,

зважувати (зважити) – to weigh,

купувати (купити) – to buy,

продавати (продати) – to sell,


Назви продовольчих товарів 


Бакалія – grocery

борошно – meal, flour,

кава – coffee,

крупи – groats,

олія – oil,

сіль – salt,

цукор – sugar,

чай – tea,

Гастрономія – gastronomy,

ковбаса – sausage,

консерви – tinned food

сосиски – sausages,

яйця – eggs,

Кондитерські вироби – confectionery products,

кекс – (fruit) cake,

печиво – biscuit, cookie,

пиріжок – patty,

тістечко – pastry, fancy cake,

торт – cake, tart

цукерки – sweets, candies, bon-bons,

шоколад – chocolate,

Молочні продукти – milk, dairy products,

йогурт – yoghurt,

кефір – kefir,

масло – butter,

молоко – milk,

ряжанка – ryazhanka,

сир – cheese,

сметана – sour cream,

М’ясні продукти – meat products,

баранина – mutton,

курка – chicken, fowl

м’ясо – meat

сало – lard, сало


свинина – pork,

яловичина – beef,

Овочі – vegetables

буряк – beet,

капуста – cabbage

картопля – potatoes,

морква – carrots,

огірок – cucumber,

помідор – tomato,

цибуля – onion,

часник – garlic

Риба – fish,

оселедець – herring,

риба – fish,

Фрукти – fruits,

апельсин – orange,

банан – banana,

виноград – grapes,

груша – pear,

кавун – watermelon,

лимон – lemon,

яблука – apples,

Хлібо-булочні вироби – bread, baker’s

батон – long loaf

булка – roll, loaf,

хліб – bread.

Home work Ex.6,p32





6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 12th of May

Class work

The topic our lesson Buying ticks. Travelling.


Why do people travel?

What places would you like to visit one day?

2. Читання впр 1 ст 153

3.Робота з текстом впр 2 ст 154

4. Граматика Present Perfect/Past Simple

Переглянути відео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I08mfgvtGhE


5.Домашнє завдання впр 7 ст 153



6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 5th of May

Control speaking

9 речень

  1. Мої покупки
  2. Подорож Україною
  3. Моя улюблена страва
  4. Види транспорту



6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 28th of April

Control writing

1.Використай much або many.

Do you drink ________coffee?

I like reading. I read _________.

We have _______ lessons of English this year.

I like this new teacher very _______

I can't remember _______ from this text.

2. Використай ступені порівняння прикметників.

1          A mouse is …………………………..…... (small) than an elephant.

2          The Blue Planet is ……………..…... (interesting) nature programme I’ve ever seen.

3  Science is …………………………..…... (easy) than history.

4  Ali is…………………………..…... (heavy) person in our family!

5  Your car was …………………………..... (expensive) than hers.

6  His house is …………………………..…... (near) than mine.

7  George is …………………………..…... (strong) person I know.

8  I think people are …………………………..…... (dangerous) animals in the world.

9  Fruit is generally …………………………..…... (healthy) than chocolate

10  I think Messi is …………………………..…... (good) footballer in the world.

3.Вибери найкращу відповідь.

     I love (1) ………… and my favourite place to find new recipes is the Internet. There  (2) ………… thousands of recipes online. A lot of famous chefs have websites where you (3) ………… find their recipes. I usually look in the (4) ………… and see what ingredients we’ve got. Then I search for a recipe with those ingredients. When I find (5) ………… famous chef’s recipe, I usually (6) ………… on that one. I’ve got the Internet on my phone so I can (7) ………… the recipe when I’m (8)  ………… the kitchen. Today we’ve got a chicken and (9) ………… apples so I’m cooking chicken curry (10) ………… an apple cake.

A         cooking                   B cook                C            cooker

A         is                            B  are                 C            aren’t

A         do                           B can                 C            are

A         shelf                        B table               C            fridge

A         a                             B an                   C            some

A cut                                  B    paste             C      click

7  A     reading                    B read                 C            reader

8  A     on                           B at                     C            in

9  A  some                          B    any               C            an

10 A  but                            B     and               C            so

4. Напиши речення використовуючи  be going to та відкриваючи дужки

1          They  …………………………..…... (not play) tennis because it’s raining.

    2      A: What …………………………..…... (do) at the weekend?

            B: I’m going to visit my grandmother.

  3        I …………………………..…... (work) in my mum’s shop in the summer holidays.

  4        A:        ……………………..…... (help) them with their homework?

B:        Yes, she is.

  5        He …………………………..…... (not go out) with his friends this evening




6 клас

Good morning, Dear pupils)

Today is Monday the 26th of April

The topic our lesson is  Kiev and travelling around of word


Text "What do you know about Kyiv?"

Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is located on the Dnipro River. It is the largest city in the Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago.

It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kyiv. They make different products.

In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas and palaces. Our capital is very beautiful in spring when chestnut trees are in blossom.

Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight.

There are many historical places in Kyiv. For example, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, Water Museum and many others.


Answer the questions.

  1. Is Kyiv the capital of Ukraine?
  2. Is it located on the river Thames?
  3. Was Kyiv founded more than 10 thousand years ago?
  4. Is it a cultural and economic centre of Ukraine?
  5. Is Kyiv very beautiful in spring?
  6. Is Khreschatik a wide street?
  7. Is Khreschatik a long street?
  8. Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kyiv?


3. Письмово впр 3 ст 139

4.  Домашнє завдання впр 2 ст 138 (переклад письмово)




 6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 21st of April

Class work

The topic our lesson is London

  1. Говоріння

What do you know about London?

Do you want to visit the capital of GB?

  1. Читання  впр 2 ст 121
  2. Говоріння впр 3 ст 121
  3. Письмово перекласти слова на сторінці 121
  4. Читання впр 5 ст 121
  5. Домашнє завдання.Написати 10 речень про Лондон



6 клас

Good morning, Dear pupils)

Today is Monday the 19th of April

Control work

1.Переклади слова і побудуй речення використовуючи дані слова

By train

By ship

On foot



A ticket machine

The underground map

2. Дай повну відповідь на питання.

Why do people travel?

Where do people pack their luggage?

Do you like to travel?

Did you enjoy your travels? Why?

3. Постав дієслово у потрібну форму.

Since ancient times people ____ ( to dream) of flying  in the sky. At first people ________(to flew) in a hot air balloon? And it ____(to be) a great victory. In the 20 th century aeroplanes ____ (to appear). The first aeroplanes were small and ______ (can/not/tofly) very far. Nowadays the engineers _______ (to make)very big planes. They ______(can /to fly) a long distance and _____( to carry) passengers from one city to another and from one country to another. And in ________(not/ to take) them much time. Travelling to England, for example, __________( to last) for three and a half hours and you can reach the USA in ten hours.


6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 14th of April

Class work

The topic our lesson is Traveling

  1. Згадуємо лексику впр 1 ст 102
  2. Говоріння впр2 ст102
  3. Читання впр 3 ст 103
  4. Граматика

Модальне дієслово Should в англійській мові має загальне значення необов’язкової для виконання рекомендації. Тому на українську він часто перекладається як “слід щось зробити“.

Форми модального дієслова should



I should (should not/shouldn’t)

We should (should not/shouldn’t)

You should (should not/shouldn’t)

You should (should not/shouldn’t)

He/She/It should (should not/shouldn’t)

They should (should not/shouldn’t)


Модальне дієслово should вживається у наступних випадках:

1. Для висловлення морального обов’язку (як і модальне дієслово ought to):

We should think about saving nature more often. – Ми повинні частіше думати про зберігання природи.

2. Для висловлення прикрості про щось або ж докору за те, що сталося або не сталося в минулому. В такому разі після модального дієслова додається допоміжне слово have:

I should have visited UK when I had a chance.

3. При порадах та в інструкціях:

You should save more money. – Тобі потрібно відкладати більше грошей.

4. При висловленні висновків, що зроблені на підставі інформації, яка щойно з’явилася:

They landed two hours ago so they should be here soon. – Вони приземлилися 2 години тому, отже скоро вони мають бути тут.

5. У формальних реченнях зі значенням умови, як правило, в письмовій офіційній промові:

Should you need any help, feel free to contact administrator. – Якщо вам потрібна буде будь-яка допомога, то зв’язуйтесь з адміністратором.

Письмо впр 6 ст104

Домашнє завдання Письмово впр 4 ст 103



6 клас

Good morning, Dear pupils)

Today is Monday the 12th of April

Control listening



6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 7th of April

Class work

The topic our lesson is travelling. At the station

1 Говоріння.

1.Which is the fastest way of travelling ?

2. What is your favourite way of travelling?

3. Do you like to travel by train or by car best of all?

4. How often do you travel by train?

5. When did you travel by train last time?

2 Вивчаємо нову лексику.


3. Згадуємо лексику.

Translate the words and fit them into the puzzle (across). What is the mystery word?

Залізниця, літак, намет, потяг, валіза, багаж, квиток, станція.



1 s









2 t












4 v


5 t





6 l








7 r








8 t







9 s











3 Читання

At the railway station

— Hello, sir! Can I help you?

— Hello, I would like to buy a ticket to Liverpool, please.

— Ok, let me see. Wait a moment, please. There are no tickets for today, unfortunately.

— I heard it’s difficult to buy tickets on this day. Can I book then?

— Yes, sir. On what day?

— I’d like a ticket for day train to Liverpool for the next weekend. I have to leave after 6 pm.

— Well... Liverpool... there is a slow train at 18:25. It arrives to Liverpool at 22:45. Does it suit you?

— Maybe. But is there a fast train?

— I can suggest you a fast train at 19:30. It arrives to Liverpool at 11 pm.

— Ok. I choose a fast one.

— Would you like the first class or the second class?

— The first class, please. And I’d prefer a lower berth. Is it possible?

— Just a moment. There is a lower berth left. A return or a single ticket?

— Return, please.

— Ok. Then you take a first-class ticket to Liverpool at 19:30. It leaves on 23th March. And you take a return ticket on 26th March.

— That’s right. How much is it?

— It’s 48 euro, please.

— Here is my credit card.

— Thank you. And here are your tickets. Carriage 6, compartment 4. Have a good trip!

— Thank you very much.

4. Домашнє завдання. Перекласти діалог 


Good morning pupils.

Today is Monday the 5th of Аpril

Control reading

Read the text .


My friend and I lived in the country last summer. We lived in a small house which stood in the garden. Every  night a big black cat came to our house and ate our fish, meat and bread. We tried to catch him many times but we could not. One day my friend saw the cat under a small bench which stood at the fence. He came up to the bench with a small fish at the end of a long line and put it under the bench where the cat sat.

 The cat caught the fish. Then my friend caught the line. He pulled and pulled and the cat came out from under the bench. He caught the cat and show him to me. It was a big black cat. A cat with  no home.

 We took the  cat to house and gave him a good supper.  The cat ate and ate. Then he sat near the door. From that day the cat lived with us and ate

 what we gave him. One day he did a good thing for us. When we were not at home, the hens jumped on the table in the garden. The cat saw them and jumped on the table too. The hens ran away and the cat sat down  near the table. After that the hens did not jump on the table again. When they saw the cat they ran away from him. The black cat ran over the house and was always near when we were at home. He came when we talked to him. Now he was our good friend.

1.Answer the questions on the text.


1.Письмово дати відповіді на запитання.

Where did the boys live last summer?

Who came to their house every night?

Why did the cat eat their fish, meat and bread?

How did the boy catch the cat?

What was the cat like?

Where did the boys take cat?

What did they give him?

Has the cat become their good friend? Why do you
think so?

2 The text is about ...

1)  the  boy’s holidays

2)  the black cat

3)   good friends


Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday the 31th of March

Class work

The topic our lesson is at the bus station

1. Мотивація до уроку.

T. First, of all. Could you help me and give the answers to the questions:

Is traveling popular nowadays?

What means of traveling do you know?

Which is the fastest way of traveling?

How do people travel when they go for abroad?

Is traveling by car faster or slower than by train?

Do you like to travel by train?

Do you like to travel by car?

2. Читання і переклад (усно)

Dialogue 1

— Hello! Where are you going?

— I’m going to Canada.

— Who is going with you?

— My sister Ann and my parents.

— Is it your first trip?

— No, it is not. Two month ago I traveled to Italy.

— Great! I was traveling to Turkey last summer. It was wonderful. Listen. They are announcing the flight to Canada.

— You are right. Bye.

— See you soon.

Dialogue 2

— Where did you go on holiday in summer?

— To Budapest.

— Did you fly there?

— No, I didn’t. I went by ferryboat ant train.

— Where did you live?

— In a hotel. The Hilton Hotel.

— How long did you live there?

— For six days, from Friday to Wednesday.

— And what did you do there?

— Well, the hotel had Wonderful swimming pools, so in the mornings I visited interesting places and in the afternoons swam.

Dialogue 3

— Hello!

— Hi!

— Are you going to Kyiv?

— Yes, I am. And where are you going?

— I’m going to Lviv. My relatives live there.

— I have many friends in Kiev. And they are calling me.

— And my relatives will be very glad to see me. I haven’t seen them for ages

— They are announcing the flight to Kyiv. Bye.

— Bye.

3.Домашнє завдання



by plane

by car

Travelling (3)


by train

railway station

by ship

to travel




(1)________ is very popular nowadays. Go to a (2)______, a (3)_____ or an airport in our country or abroad and you will see hundreds of people who want to go as quickly as possible.

The fastest way of (4)_______is (5)______. With a modern airliner you can travel in one hour to a place which takes a day (6)______ by train.

Travelling (7)_______ is slower than by plane, but it has it’s advantages. There are sleepers and dinning-car in (8)_______ trains which make even the longest journey enjoyable.

Some people like to travel (9) ______and enjoy a sea voyage or a river trip. Many people like to travel (10) _______. It also has its advantages; you will never miss the train, ship or plane; you can make your own timetable. (11) _______ by car is popular for pleasure trips.

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday the 20th of January.

The topic our lesson is Sweets


What do you do to be healthy?

 Do you eat fruit?

Do you like to eat sweets?

Do you like sport? 



Put “√” if you do it and “χ” if you don’t.

·        You get up early.

·        You do morning exercises.

·        You don’t eat cakes and sweets for breakfast.

·        You don’t eat chips and drink Coke.

·        You always eat soup for dinner.

·        You visit your dentist regularly.

·        You don’t play a computer more than an hour.

·        You clean your room every day.

·        You go for a walk every evening.

·        You don’t watch TV late at night.

·        You visit some sports club.

·        You don’t go to bed late.

Count your points: “x” = 0 and  “√” = 2.


24-20  You are a very healthy and active person. Congratulations!

18-14  You do your best to be healthy. But try to plan your free time better.

12-8   Don’t be so lazy! You have to change your way of life right now

6-0  You have lots of problems with your friend. Because they think you are boring. Look through the test again – these advices can help you!


3. Переглянути відео

4. Вставити потрібну літеру та перекласти( запис в зошит)



Ca_dy c_ne



Co_ton ca_dy

_ce cre_m











5. Домашнє завдання  вивчити нові слова з відео


Good morning pupils.

Today is Monday the 18th of January

The topic our lesson is vegetables and fruits

  1. Говоріння

Can you name all fruits and vegetables?

What is your favourite fruit/vegetable?

Which fruits and vegetables don’t you like?

Game Complete the words”.

 1) p e … r                            5) o n … o n

 2) a p … le                          6) o r … n g e

3) c … r r o t                        7) b … n a n a

4) p … t a t o

2. Загадка

1) It is a fruit. It is yellow. It is small. It is sour. (lemon)

 2) It is a vegetable. It is brown. It is big or small. It is bitter. (onion)

 3) It is a fruit. It is yellow. It is long. It is sweet. (banana)

 4) It is a fruit. It is orange. It is round. It is sweet or juicy. (orange)

5) It is a fruit. It is red. It is round. It is small. It is sweet. (tomato)

6) It is a fruit. It is green or red or yellow. It is round. It is sour or sweet or    juicy. (apple)

 7) It is a vegetable. It is green. It is big. (cabbage)

3. Читання Ex.7 p 62

4. Домашнє завдання Ex.8 p 62


Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday the 13th of January.

The topic our lesson is food.

1. Перегляд відео про їжу.


2. Говоріння. Перекладіть відповіді дівчинки з відео.

3. Читання Ex.6 p. 57, Ex.7 p.58 (зробити запис в зошиті)

4. Говоріння Ex. 8 p. 58

5. Домашнє завдання. Описати власний раціон харчування



Good morning pupils.

Today is Monday the 11 th of January

The topic our lesson is food and drinks

1.Згадуємо лексику


2. Говоріння

Ex. 3 p 56 (зробити запис відповідей в зошит).

3. Письмо

Ex. 1 p 56

4. фізхвилинка


5 говоріння

Ex. 5 p 57

6 Домашня робота

Ex. 2 p 56 (письмово)


Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday the 4 st of November.

The topic our lesson is Story about family.

1 згадуємо лексичні одиниці про родину.

mother - мама

father - тато

sister - сестра

brother - брат

parents - батьки

grandmother - бабуся

grandfather - дідусь

grandparents - бабуся і дідусь

aunt - тітка

uncle - дядько

son - син

daughter - дочка

step-mother - мачуха

step-father - вітчим

god-mother - хрещена мати

god-father - хрещений батько

nephew - племінник

niece - племінниця

cousin - двоюрідний брат / сестра

relatives - родичі

husband - чоловік

wife - дружина

united family - дружна сім'я

large family багатодітна сім'я

to acquire a family - заводити сім'ю

a head of a family - глава сім'ї

to support / keep a family - здобути сім'ю

to provide for one's family - прогодувати сім'ю

unmarried mother мати-одиначка

to take care about children - піклуватися про дітей

to bring up - виховувати

an only child - єдина дитина.

2.Зазвичай топік будується за стандартною схемою:

  • спочатку ви говорите загальні слова про свою сім'ю і її складі;
  • потім розповідаєте трохи про себе, своїх заняттях і захоплення;
  • далі про батьків - як звуть, вік, професія, хобі;
  • потім про рідних братів і сестер - ім'я, вік, рід діяльності;
  • за бажанням можна додати про бабусь і дідусів;
  • в кінці розповісти про загальні характеристики сім'ї та ваших традиціях.


Hello, my name is Veronika. Today I want to tell you about my family. My family is not very big. It consists of my mother, my father and me.

My mother's name is Elena. She is 27 years old. She has got brown hair and brown eyes. She is slim. She is very kind and always ready to help me. Her profession is a teacher. She likes her work very much.

Now I'll tell you about my father. His name is Alexander. He is 27, too. He is very tall. His eyes and his hair are brown. He is an electrical engineer. I think, he can fix everything.

My parents are very funny and energetic people. When everybody is at home, we like to talk about everything. We play different games together. We also like to walk in the street. When we have time, we drive to parks, or such interesting places like big supermarkets, cafes, the centre of the city.

I've also got grandparents, but they do not live with us. We visit them very often. My family is great, I love all of them very much.



4. Перегляньте відео про структуру ступенів порівняння прикметників.


5. Заповніть письмово таблицю


Вищий ступінь

Найвищий ступінь


























6 Домашнє завдання

Підготувати розповідь про свою родини за прикладом.

Заповнити таблицю з шкільного сайту

Утвори форми вищого і найвищого ступеня слів у дужках і заповни пропуски.

1) August is ___________ than February. (long)

2) English is __________ than Mathematics. (difficult)

3) Physical training is ___________ than Reading. (interesting)

4) Ice cream is __________ than apples. (tasty)

5) Nick is __________ boy in our class. (tall)

6) Kyiv is __________ city in Ukraine. (large)

7) Oranges are __________ than chocolate. (useful)

8) Today is __________ than yesterday. (hot)

9) My sister is __________ in our family. (young)


10) June is ________ than February. (warm)

6 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Monday the 2 nd of November. 

The topic our lesson is ordinary family and appearance of family members.

1 Згадайте лексику на тему члени родини.



  1. Розвиток навичок письма (Опишіть власну зовнішність і вивчіть на пам'ять)

T: Describe your own appearance using those words in the brackets which suits you most of all.

My name is… . I am (ten, eleven, twelve). I am a pupil of the (sixth, seventh) form. I am a (pretty, handsome), (tall, short)and  (slender, plump) boy (girl).

            My face is (oval, round). I am a (dark-eyed, blue-eyed, grey-eyed) boy (girl)with  (dark, fair, brown, blond) and (curly, straight, wavy)hair. My hair is (long, short) and I often wear a pony tail or two braids.  I have a (straight, snub ) nose. My lips are (thin, thick) and (red, rosy).  My friends say that I have a charming smile.  My cheeks are (pale, rosy). I think I look like my (mother, father).

            I am at school now. I have my (school uniform, fashionable clothes ) on. My clothes are (clean, dirty) and (pressed, unpressed).

  1. Згадайте граматичну структуру.


  1. Open the brackets and put the verbs in the correct form
  1. Ann ________ (to play) computer games every weekend.
  2. You ________  (not to work) very hard.
  3. My friend and I ________ (to spend) time together in the evenings.
  4. They ________ (to visit) their relatives once a week.
  5. I ________ (not to swim) in the see on summer.
  6. My cat ________ (not to enjoy) fish.
  7. Her parents ________ (not to take) her to school every day.
  8. We ________ (to have) our English lessons twice a week.
  9. He________ (not to have) blue eyes.
  10. I ________ (to have) dark hair.



  1. Домашнє завдання.
  1. Зробити письмові вправи в зошит.
  2. Вивчити текст про свою зовнішність.
  3. 4.11. буде відео урок на 10.00 на Viber


Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday the 21st of October.

The topic our lesson is My family

1.Згадаємо лексику. Перегляньте відео і вивчить слова.


2. Переглянувши наступне відео ви зможете розповісти про своїх рідних.


3. Робота з підручником

Reading ex. 2 p 10

Writing ex.3 p.11

4.Home task

Дати повні відповіді на запитання у вправі 1 сторінка 10



control work

1. Переклад слів

Переклад слів














2.Використай Present Simple or Present Continiouse 

Начало формы

1. It's seven o'clock and they  to school now. (go)
2. Mrs Cooper  in the restaurant every Sunday. (eat)
3. Our cat never  on the kitchen table. (jump)
4. Look! The men  blue uniforms. (wear)
5. Curt always  his guitar in the afternoon. (play)
6. The taxi  for them at the moment. (wait)
7. He always  his grandmother in the coat. (help)
8. They never  very much. (eat)
9. Listen! Bill  his electric guitar. (play)
10. He  his car every Sunday. (wash)
11. The alarm  at seven o'clock every morning. (ring)
12. They always  their aunt a tree for Christmas. (bring)
13. She  a red pullover and black jeans today. (wear)
14. The boys  snowballs at the girls now. (throw)
15. Mr Black  into the classroom at the moment. (walk)

Конец формы

3. Опишіть себе або свого друга. 10 речень