7 клас


7 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Thursday the 22nd of April

Control reading

I. Read the text carefully

A Healthy Lifestyle

The Thomson family has been trying to eat healthy meals for a very long time, but found it difficult to keep it up. Mr and Mrs Thomson work long hours at the hospital, and feel exhausted when they arrive home. They also have three young children who needed a lot of care. David is eight years old, their daughter Ann is six and the baby is one. It is difficult for the family to cook healthy meals every day. For months, Mrs Thomson has been ordering food during the week, which is delivered after they arrive from work. This is a bad routine, and the Thomson’s know this fact very well and have started to worry that their children will get so used to eating fast food; it will be difficult for them to change this habit. For the past two weeks, they have been eating healthy homemade meals and feel very excited about it.


II. Chose the correct variant

1. The Thomson family has been trying

a) to keep fit

b) to eat healthy food

c) to eat fast food

2. They feel ______ when they arrive home

a) cheerful

b) tired out

c) restful


3. They have ____ children.

a) 1   b) 2   c) 3

4. It is difficult for the family

a) to work for long hours

b) to worry that their children will get so used to eating fast food

c) to cook healthy meals every day











IІI. True or false

1.The Thomson family has been trying to eat healthy meals for a very long time, but found it exciting to keep it up.

2. The Thomson’s have three young children : David, Anna and the baby.

3. It will be difficult for the Thomson’s to change their habit.

4. For the past two weeks, they have been eating ordered food.









IV. Put the sentences in the right order according to the text

a. Mr and Mrs Thomson have started to worry that their children will get so used to eating fast food

b. They work long hours at the hospital

c. For months, Mrs Thomson has been ordering food during the week

d. They also have three young children who needed a lot of care.











Control listening

Виконати до 22.05

Виконайте завдання на комп’ютері,

сфотографуйте і надішліть мені на вайбер


Control writing

Виконати до 15.05

 Будь ласка зверніть увагу на критерії написання есе.


Тема для написання есе «Визначні місця світу.»


Control reading

Виконати до 17.05


Control Speaking

Виконати до 18.05


Підготувати відео ролик за темою і виконану роботу надіслати мені на вайбер.

Зверніть на кількісь речень, які треба підготувати.

(в розділі Семестрові роботи "критерії оцінювання")

Тема "Розповідь про визначні місця Києва"