9 клас

9 клас

Good morning pupils.

Today is Wednesday  the 7th of April

Class work

Control Listening

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1.    Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

on board ship 

at the hotel 

at a party 

in a cafe 

What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

a watch 

a ring 

some money 

a diamond

Where was the young man sent to work?

to England

to London 

to New York 

to Canada

4.When had the young people decided to marry? 

when he returned home 

during the journey 

before he left home 

on the way back home

5.What did the young man buy for his girl?

a beautiful dress

 a fur coat

 a gold watch

 a diamond ring

6.Why didn’t the girl answer his letters?

she was very ill

 she wanted to join him 

 she wanted to marry another man

 she was angry with him

7.How did the young man react to his friend’s news?

he was very happy

 he was very lonely

 he was very angry

 he was very unhappy

8. What did the young man do with the present?

  he gave it to another girl

 he threw into the sea

he sold it 

he lost it in the street

9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

they had soup

 they had pudding 

they had meat 

they had fish

10.What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

a fruit stone

a fish bone 

an egg shell 

a diamond ring

11 Who came to the port to meet him?

my father

 my friend

 my sister

 my relatives

12Who was having dinner at a hotel in London? 

some Englishmen 

some people 

some Americans 

some women


Control listening

Виконати до 22.05




Control writing

Виконати до 15.05


 Будь ласка зверніть увагу на критерії написання есе.


Тема для написання есе «Цікаві факти про Україну.»


Control reading

Виконати до 17.05

Control Speaking

Виконати до 18.05


Підготувати відео ролик за темою і виконану роботу надіслати мені на вайбер.

Зверніть на кількісь речень, які треба підготувати.

(в розділі Семестрові роботи "критерії оцінювання")

Тема "Розповідь про подорожі Україною"